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Public transport is a great way to get around the city and surrounding areas. It is convenient, affordable, and is a great way to keep traffic off the roads and reduce the load on the environment. 

Blue bus icon for bus accident compensation

However, when you are riding public transport you are a passenger and are therefore vulnerable to any accidents or issues that may happen when riding public transport. Public transport accidents are relatively rare, but do happen. 

In Queensland in 2020-2021, there were 0.06 reported passenger injuries per 10,000 trips across the entire TransLink public transport network in Queensland. Train injuries were the highest reported, while tram injuries were the lowest.

Common ways in which injuries might be incurred include tripping or slipping while alighting or boarding public transport, being injured in a crash or accident, or being injured as a result of the negligent operation of public transport. In the event that you are injured while riding a bus, train, ferry or tram, or as a result of being hit by public transport, you may be able to make a claim for compensation for any injury and loss you have suffered.

Blue bus icon for bus accident compensation

Injured on or by public transport including bus, rail or ferry? Get expert advice now.

Free & no obligation claims check

This article provides information on how to claim for a range of public transport accidents including:

  • Bus (Queensland-wide) - passengers can be injured in a variety of ways, including in a bus accident, due to a driver stopping suddenly, falling down steps while getting off or onto a bus, or if you are a pedestrian who has been hit by a bus
  • Train (Mainly Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast - regional) - while train crashes or accidents are very rare, there is a risk of injury or accident due to use of trains - such as slipping on a platform or on a train, or due to being hit by a train at a level crossing
  • Ferry (Brisbane, Citycat or Kitty Cat) - Brisbane-dwellers have the CityCat and Kitty Cat services at their disposal, and while accidents are again rare, users can be injured either in the rare event of a collision with a craft, or while alighting or boarding.
  • Light rail/tram (Gold Coast Light Rail - sometimes called a tram) - the light rail service on the Gold Coast is sometimes referred to as a tram, and can again be involved in accidents where vehicles collide with the service, or where accidents happen due to sudden stops.

Murphy’s Law is a legal services provider specialising in personal injury claims. We can help you with the accident claim process and will work hard on your behalf to make sure that you receive the appropriate amount of compensation for your loss. 

If you have been injured in a public transport accident, whether you were on a ferry, bus, train, or tram, speak Murphy's Law Accident Lawyers today about starting your accident compensation claim. We operate on a no win no fee basis which means that you will not pay for our legal advice or service unless we are successful in securing your claim.

Bus accident claims

Icon for bus injury claims

Bus accident injuries can be suffered in a number of ways, including through sudden stops, tripping while walking down the aisle, or the bus being in an accident. If your accident occurred due to the negligence of a transport operator, then you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation.

Possible bus accident injuries include:

  • Broken bones suffered by being hit by a bus
  • Sprains and strains due to slipping or tripping when you are getting on and off a bus
  • Abrasions and cuts due to slips or contact with a bus when alighting
  • Head injuries due to being involved in a bus accident as passenger
  • Hip and leg injuries from falls
  • Back injury or shoulder and neck injuries due to whiplash as a passenger in a bus, or as a road user who has been hit by a bus

I got hit by a bus - What are my rights?

It is quite a terrifying prospect being hit by a bus, because the sheer scale and size of these vehicles means that they can do some serious damage. 

If you are a pedestrian, a cyclist, driver, or other road user who has been hit by a bus then you may be able to claim compensation against the transport operator if it is found that the bus driver was negligent and responsible for the accident.

Example: Grace is walking home when she crosses at a pedestrian crossing and is clipped by a speeding bus, the driver of which does not see her. Luckily the injuries she suffers are relatively minor - a broken arm - but she is unable to work for three months while she recovers. The driver of the bus would be responsible as they were driving negligently and Grace would be able to claim against the transport operator company for the loss and injury she has suffered.

Example: Declan is riding home on his motorbike and he cuts off a bus to try and get across to a lane to turn right. The bus driver doesn’t have time to brake and hits Declan’s motorbike, knocking him off. Declan suffers a back injury and a broken leg. Declan would likely be responsible for the injuries he has suffered as he acted recklessly and in a negligent manner when driving. 

In the event that you are eligible to claim compensation as a result of a bus accident, you should seek legal advice to ensure you are in the best possible position to claim for your losses.

Train injury clams

Icon showing a passenger on train tracks being pulled onto the platform before being hit by a train

If you are a passenger on a train you should take care to ensure you use the train in a responsible manner. That means that while you are entering and exiting the train you should adhere to signs and safety procedures, and also ensure you cross train tracks and use platforms in a responsible manner. If you are injured while a passenger on a train, you may be eligible to claim for your injuries. 

Possible train injuries include:

  • Falling over on a train as a result of sudden braking
  • Slipping or tripping as you get on and off a train
  • Being struck by a train at a level crossing or while crossing the tracks
  • Serious injuries in the event of a collision with a train or level crossing

Claiming for a train injury requires a comprehensive approach to ensure the best possible outcome. You need to compile information about your injury, including evidence and footage where possible, and present this to make your case about why and how much compensation you should receive.

A 32-year-old woman was involved in a collision with a train in February 2021 and sadly died at the scene of the accident, while in 2013 a Cleveland line train was involved in an accident which saw a number of people injured. Accidents such as these can result in serious injuries, and if you have been in a train accident Murphy’s Law is here to help.

Ferry injury claims

Icon on waves to represent Brisbane river ferries

Being injured while riding the ferry is uncommon, as these vessels have very stringent safety measures in place. However, injuries can happen, and in most cases, they are caused when you are either boarding the vessel, exiting, or while in motion. 

In very rare circumstances, people have been hit while using a watercraft on the river. Brisbane City Cats are equipped with high-tech sensor equipment, but that hasn’t stopped collisions in the past, like the teenage rower who was seriously injured when a City Cat went over the top of their craft one early morning in the Brisbane River.

Possible ferry-related injuries include:

  • Broken bones or injuries due to rough operation of the vehicle, and slipping over
  • Slips and trips due to wet weather while embarking or disembarking
  • Neck and shoulder injuries due to sudden stops or sharp turns when the ferry is in motion

Our experienced lawyers can assist you in making a claim for compensation if you have been injured while a passenger of a ferry, or if you have been injured when the vessel you were in was struck by a ferry.

Tram/Light rail injury claims

Light Rail tram icon

This section is specifically in reference to the Gold Coast light rail. Most injuries in this instance will arise from people being struck by the light rail, or in rare occasions, as a passenger. There have been plenty of close calls with the light rail, and while many of the potential incidents have been caused by driver error, still  

Possible light rail injuries include:

  • Injuries relating to collisions, so broken bones, cuts, sprains, strains and head injuries are all possible if you come into contact with the light rail, whether as a pedestrian, or as a cyclist, motorbike rider, or road user
  • Injuries relating to use of the light rail, so possible physical injuries resulting from alighting or boarding, and injuries sustained if the light rail has to brake suddenly or is otherwise involved in a collision or accident.

We can assist you in making injury claims when you have been involved in an accident with the light rail and will ensure that you adhere to all necessary time limits when claiming.

Been involved in an accident? It is important that you report this as promptly as possible to ensure a swift resolution of your claim. Reporting an injury can be done by calling TransLink on call 13 12 20 and providing information about your injury.

Time limits for public transport injury claims?

Personal injury time limits

When you have been injured you have strict time limitations in which to commence a claim for compensation. If you have suffered an injury you must commence your claim within three years of the date of your accident. 

In addition to this, you also need to ensure that you provide notice to the public transport provider that you intend to make a claim within nine months of the accident, or within one month of engaging a law practice to act on your behalf. 

Unsure where you stand? Give us a call on 1800 849 261 and speak to us today about your public transport injury claim.

How are public transport injury claims calculated?

Icon showing calculator and paper and pen with dollar symbol to show calculation of PTSD compensation claim

When calculating a claim for compensation there are certain factors which are considered in coming up with a final figure. The factors that are considered include:

  • Your injury
  • Lost income and earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Any care provided to you as part of your recovery
  • Lost superannuation
  • Ongoing treatment

We can help you to get a better idea of where you stand in a complimentary one hour consultation in which we can go over your accident and give you an idea of whether you may have a viable claim for compensation. Speak to us today. We can help you to report the incident and get the ball rolling on your claim for compensation.

Posted by Sarah Truter Solicitor

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Disclaimer: Please note, this content is designed as general information only and does not constitute legal advice. While we make every effort to fact check and keep items up to date, legislation may change from time to time. For advice on your specific situation then please contact us.
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