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If you have suffered from post traumatic stress disorder (commonly known as PTSD) due to the negligence of others at work, on the road or due to medical negligence then you may be entitled to compensation.

Our team are experts in PTSD claims and can provide free and no-obligation initial advice on your rights. We serve clients across Queensland from our Brisbane office and all claims are run on a no win, no fee basis which means no upfront costs.

What is PTSD?

PTSD, or post traumatic stress disorder to give its full name, refers to a set of reactions that people can develop when they experience a traumatic event.

About 20% of people who are exposed to traumatic events develop PTSD

What causes PTSD?

That could anything from being in an accident, witnessing an accident or even suffering physical or sexual assault.

The symptoms of PTSD can include:

  • upsetting memories;
  • flashbacks;
  • dreams of the event;
  • feeling physically and psychologically distressed;
  • difficulties sleeping;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • angered or irritated. 
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Get expert advice now on your rights to PTSD compensation

Free & no obligation claims check

People can suffer from PTSD through their employment in a number of different ways. You don’t necessarily need to work in a dangerous job in order to suffer this injury.

For example:

If you believe you have suffered a PTSD injury at work, it is important that you seek legal advice to determine whether you are entitled to workers compensation.

Occupations at higher risk of PTSD:

Studies have shown that the occupations which carry a higher risk of causing PTSD to workers includes:

  • Police officers;
  • Firefighters;
  • Paramedics/Ambulance officers
  • Health care professionals (e.g. nurses, doctors)
  • Train drivers;
  • Journalists.

Can you get PTSD from work stress?

You could potentially suffer PTSD from stress that you experience at work. It really depends upon what aspects of your job have caused the stress.

However, even if you don’t suffer from PTSD as a result of stress you have experienced, there may be various other psychological injuries that you may have suffered – all of which could entitle you to compensation.

Those other psychological injuries include:

  • Depression;
  • Anxiety;
  • Adjustment Disorder;
  • Alcohol Abuse Disorder;
  • Substance Abuse Disorder.

Suffering such injuries is not uncommon. Indeed, it is estimated that 1 in 5 (20%) Australians aged 16–85 have experienced a mental disorder in the previous 12 months.

PTSD compensation after car accident

It is not uncommon for people involved in a car or motor vehicle accident to suffer from PTSD as the shock and trauma can have a big mental health impact.

Indeed, serious accidents are the leading causes of PTSD in Australia and up to 25% of people who experience some form of trauma will develop PTSD.

Whether you were involved in a car accident or witnessed a car accident, you are at risk of suffering from post traumatic stress.

PTSD from surgery

There are some instances in which people have suffered PTSD after undergoing surgery and various other medical procedures.

For example, there are instances in which some patients who receive anaesthesia for surgery fail to completely lose consciousness while the procedure is being performed. Unfortunately, they can become aware of what is happening during the surgery but are unable to communicate with the medical staff.

Indeed, it has been estimated that between 0.5% and 2% of surgical patients undergoing general anaesthesia can experience this event.

Understandably, that experience can cause PTSD. Some studies have show that as many as 71% of people who have experienced this event suffered PTSD as a result.

You may be entitled to medical negligence compensation if you believe you have suffered PTSD from any medical treatment you have received.

Can being molested as a child cause PTSD:

Absolutely. In fact, people who have experienced repeated, deliberate harm such as sexual or physical abuse are more likely to develop PTSD than people who experienced unintentional trauma such as a car accident.

What does a PTSD Claim cover

Icon showing calculator and paper and pen with dollar symbol to show calculation of PTSD compensation claim

If you have experienced a traumatic event at work and are suffering from PTSD, there are compensation laws that allow you to recover your past and future losses.

The compensation you would claim could include:

  • General Damages;
  • Past Economic loss;
  • Future Economic loss; (your ability to return to work at full capacity)
  • Lost superannuation benefits;
  • Past medical and rehabilitation costs;
  • Future medical and rehabilitation costs;
  • Past and future care.

If you have a PTSD injury, talk to one of our experienced Brisbane personal injury lawyers today from our expert team at Murphy's Law to learn more about what your compensation entitlements could be.

How long do I have to claim for PTSD compensation?

Sand time green icon to represent time limits for PTSD compensation claims

Each state and territory of Australia has their own time limits when it comes to making a personal injury claim for PTSD.

There are also a number of different legislations that impose their own certain time limits, depending upon the circumstances in which you came to be injured.

As a general rule of thumb in Queensland, an adult who suffered a PTSD injury has 3 years to lodge a claim with the court. If you fail to file a claim with the court within that time, you can lose all your rights to pursue a compensation claim.

However there are a number of factors which can affect the time limit that applies to your specific circumstances. For that reason, it is best to seek legal advice from injury lawyers to determine what time limits apply in your circumstances.

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